This report from Corporate Monitor Limited (CML) looks at Keppel Ltd.’s strategic transformation into a global asset manager, focusing on its Vision 2030 goal of reaching S$200 billion in funds under management (FUM). CML reiterates their concern over Keppel’s limited financial disclosures, hindering a comprehensive assessment of its asset management profitability and the achievability of its FUM target. The report compares its performance and transparency to global peers like Blackstone. CML advocates for increased transparency from Keppel to build investor confidence and accurately evaluate the success of its transformation strategy. The analysis includes a projected 2030 profit based on Keppel’s fee to FUM ratio, but cautions that this forecast relies on several assumptions and appears overly optimistic.
Explore the full insights through the following reports:
• Keppel: Strategic Transformation to Asset Manager (Report 3)
• 吉宝的战略转型能否使吉宝重回巅峰? (Report 3)